Tuesday, October 2, 2012

this i believe

“To be the best humans we can be” is the I believe speech I’ve chosen.  It is written by Tim Wilson a police officer and although most of it doesn’t relate to me, the ending really stuck. It kind of made me think of myself and things I try to do to be a good person. For example, I’m very aware of the people around me and I try to treat every person fairly. If there is someone on the street who asks for spare change, I lend a dollar. I open doors for people all the time and try to lend helping hands to people even when they don’t ask. It doesn’t matter if its small or big, I try to be a good guy.
Even with “offensive people” I try to be nice and don’t let anything effect me. For example, when someone says something rude or uncalled for I ignore or try to diffuse the situation in a nonviolent way. I like how he said perfection is an illusion because honestly that’s so true. Nobody is perfect, I slip up a lot in things that I do and the way I respond to some situations. However, I can try to be a better person. And in relation to my digital life I can say I was very careful not to create misunderstandings in messages I sent people or to come off as rude or uncaring. I made sure to be a person people could talk to about stuff to and a supporter. For example, some of my friends are deploying and in real life I told them to contact me online or phone if they could and wanted to talk about things going on over there. It’s a little act of kindness and I just try to be available.
I didn’t really listen to the audio, but this essay was effective because it really appealed to the ethos part of rhetoric. The story he told with the letter in his locker gave a little warmth to his essay and the conclusion brought me to his main idea. I understood where he was coming from because I too have taken these things into account. Like him, everyday I go on, I think about what I can do in my day small or big to be the best person I can be.  This speech connected pretty well with me. 

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