Tuesday, September 18, 2012

my mobile world

Preparation outline
                                                                                     Name: Timmy Ford
                                                                                    Section: 017
My mobile world

I.               Attention Catcher: Linking emotions to music.
It is possible to live in a world of sunshine and peace in one moment and switch to sadness and pain in the next with a simple yet complex device.
II.             Listener Relevance link: Listeners all have an understanding of the iPod touch and its features. Widely used apple product
III.             Speaker Credibility: I use my iPod constantly. In the morning, in the day while I’m walking, even to sleep.    
IV.            Thesis Statement: iPod has made things easily mobile, created a whole new way we view a music player, and has made an easier way to get what we want.
V.              Preview:  It’s possible to live in a world of sunshine and peace in one moment. Where nothing matters to you except your thoughts. Where the land is paved to your imagination. Where you are free to feel the way you want and express said feeling. It is also possible to live in a world sadness and pain in the next moment. Where you call for solitude. Where everything is gloomy. Where you want to just escape just for the day. These emotions lie beyond the door to music. The key this door is a simple yet complex device called the iPod touch. The iPod has revolutionized the way we listen to music. It’s completely mobile, offers more than your typical music player, and has made shopping for music easier than ever before. The features on the iPod are virtually limitless!

Transition: (add one later maybe)

Body: First Main Point
Listener Relevance Link: It’s Mobile

A.     It fits in your pocket
1.     Really mobile
2.     Compared to past players
B.     Is compatible
1.     Can hook up to cars
2.     Can hook up to stereo system
Transition: the conveyance of having an iPod doesn’t end in its physical features. The electronic features are what make the iPod essentially the best on the market.

II.         The iPods content
A.     Can download a bunch of material
1.     Holds up 1000+ songs depending on gig purchased.
B.     Safari
1.     Mobile Fast internet connection (varying on connection)
2.     Can establish connection to any connection nearby (if unlocked)
Transition: not only has it revolutionized what we can do on a music player, but it changed the way we buy material too.
III.       Itunes
            LRL: makes purchasing easier and offers a lot of content
A.     Online shopping
1.     Have the option to purchase songs directly to your iPod if wanted
2.     Beats traditional style of buying from actual store and ICloud feature makes downloading outstanding (will detail iCloud later)
B.     Podcasts, movies, Apps
1.     You can purchase these things off itunes and retain a lot of memory storage (varying)
2.     Easy to download and easy way of payments.
Transition: all these features on the iPod have shaped the way we view music players today.

I.               The iPod is mobile, offers more content then a typical player, and has made shopping way easier than before.
II.             These factors have revolutionized the music player and have shaped the suture of them as well.
III.           IPods are getting increasingly better. Its a mobile world of possibilities. The future of music players is here. 

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