Sunday, October 14, 2012


Bring your own Beer. you would think this song is all about partying and a good time right? well it isn't at all. when i first saw the video for this song, i thought it was odd but i picked up on the point really quick. i feel System of a Down was talking about the government through out the video and how it is controlling us. the music video is really fast pace and repetitive which made the understanding part a little easier.
        The video starts off with the band jamming out in the middle of these walking no-life beings that show messages on their heads such as "die" and "buy." during this section, the lead singer is talking about how they control us with "hypnotic computers" and "feed us lies from the tablecloth." and the video did a good job of showing how the people were controlled.
        The video takes a sharp twist for the mid section and goes to a party where everyones going wild. the sharp change sort of just showed how people are having a good time. but the sharp change kind of leads me to believe that people arent thinking about the problems and how they just want to let loose instead. during this section, the singer is just repeating over and over everybody's going to the party have a real good time.
      The video changes back to a rapid pace giving us this sense of being controlled again. the singer says that they are breaking into fort knox stealing our intentions while this is going on. this is talking about how they take our thoughts away from us. And the video just seems hepatic while he is screaming the words.
      the next part goes back into the party but this time the walking no-life beings show up to the party and the video gets crazier. the singer starts yelling "why dont presidents fight the war" and "why do they always send the poor" which he repeats later in the video. The party dies down a little and the no-life beings start projecting television advertisements and shows and the party people are frozen watching the screens. this scene shows a little of how they think we are controlled as the people are helpless to the screens. and the singer keeps saying everyone is here just to have a good time while this is going on.
      Overall, the video gives the idea that life in society is controlled but we see life as a party. The band does a good job in the words they choose for the song because it sort of explains the video and whats happening. for me, the words that got me to understand were "you depend on our protection yet you feed us lies from the tablecloth" it got me thinking who are they referring to in the situation. and the lifeless beings walking around with the words "buy" on their face gave it away. the repetition of the song is helpful as well. it interchanges between the party scene and the lifeless being scene while repeating the same words. the repetition made their meaning clearer.

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