Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Dark Days

Dark Days was shot well as it portrayed the lives of the people in the tunnel. The first thing that stood out to me was the black and white coloring through out the video. The black and white sort of made the story seem more sad. i believe the absence of color just makes it seem like there was little or no hope. it just didn't seem bright and warm. There was little sound as well. the only things you could really hear was the sound of the tunnel, the people talking, and the occasional train. i noticed as well that they used transitions just like the ones we watched but in this one it was a train.
     The shots were good too. the story seemed more natural then the other videos we watched. like to me, it just seemed like they were just tagging along for the ride it was almost like the documentary we watched over the basketball player.  At on point of the film, one of the homeless people asked surprisingly "you're still here" which made me believe they didn't even know when they were going to be filmed or for how long. And it appeared more natural because they would take shots of the people talking about random things, but i fill like that was kind of framed mostly cause they talked about the problems of the tunnel. It also didn't focus on just one persons perception of the tunnels, but it focused on the whole group.
    all these elements mixed into video made the life of being homeless seem more real. There was hardly any interaction between the crew and the homeless which made it seem more natural. the way the documentary was framed actually made it look worse and worse from scene to scene. like in the beginning they were just chilling out, then it showed them recycling, but then it showed them dumpster diving. and after all that a guy came on and talked about the dangers of tunnels which really added to the situation of tunnels from what was seen. overall, it showed that organizing shots really play a role in effectiveness.
  What really made Dark Days more interesting then the other two documentaries is that it could relate to anyone. the story can actually link to people in that we could end up like that. I mean the first one we watched was about a guy who was having trouble selling his old records which people barely have nowadays and the second one was about a basketball player who had to fly a lot and was scared of it. the thing is anyone can be homeless. It was a more deeper issue and thats another reason i think it was in black and white as well. When we see colors, it can sometimes take away from the meaning of the message. So when we see black and white, we have no choice but to focus on whats being said rather than whats in the shot.

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