Sunday, October 7, 2012

Lost in the dark

            I have always been kind of a messy guy since as long as I can remember. I wasn’t really organized and I consistently lost track of my priorities. I felt like my life was just scrambled around like a puzzle and I had nothing to keep me in the loop about things or get me organized. 
            Back in North Hardin High school, I was apart of the varsity tennis team, Marching Band and National honors society. I was really bad about showing up all the time. I showed up to my national honors society meetings late or completely just forgot and left school even when there was an announcement at the end of the day to remind us. For marching band practice, my band director never wasn’t mad at me on the field. The nights before practice, I wouldn’t get any sleep because I didn’t know there was practice. I got angry calls from my director and sister who helps out and the end result would be me an hour late and falling asleep while standing still with shades on. And the same thing applied for tennis. I would go to practice and be too tired to run or sling my racquet across the court. One time i pegged my partner five times in a row on my serves cause my form was bad and he just walked off the court to cool off. In each organization, I missed out on things that we were doing and had to play catch up all the time. It was a bit stressful.
 Being unorganized would set me back and I never would feel like I was doing my part. I use to try really hard to remember things or write stuff down, but it never helped. There was actually a time that I became complacent with not knowing and just constantly having to react instead of just being prepared. And it drove me crazy. I wanted to change, but I just kept settling on being lazy. There were times I would just shut down and skip even knowing what time to go because I didn’t want to react. It was like playing hide and seek with friends at night. You can't see anyone in the pitch black cause you don't know how to go about finding them or have a plan and by the time they run out it's too late to catch them and do anything. One thing that would have helped you see out of the dark situation and made you effective is a flashlight. 
The darkness of the game represents how lost i felt when i wasn't organized. The flashlight represents something i had access to that helped me out of the situation.  The "flashlight" that helped me come out of the "darkness" was Facebook. Facebook connected me to what was going on and was the light I was looking for to keep me out of the dark. With my Facebook account, I was able to stop reacting and know what was coming because my friends would post helpful reminders right before an event. And since it gets beamed to my phone, I knew immediately what was going on and could check fast if I needed to. My account has given me the comfort and ease I searched for. It was the answer to my ongoing question of “what’s going to happen next.” Facebook is my organizer. 

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