Thursday, November 1, 2012


   My documentary is going to focus on how facebook keeps us connected to the world. We all know facebook as this socializing medium to talk to friends, share things to stay in touch, and it also keeps track of events and your organizations. Facebook actually does a lot of things and i believe that it has so much to offer that it is often overused. Facebook in this sense becomes addicting because it offers too much capability. I know every time i walk through the library, i find more than one person on the site checking statuses rather than doing work. And i catch myself doing the same thing sometimes. This can become a problem to full time college students or working people because it becomes a distraction rather than a helper. It could contribute to things like messaging while driving or keep you from doing what needs to be done because of its entertainment value.
  For this documentary, i would like to focus on the student body, more specifically, freshman. This is because it gives me a chance to not only see the effects of Facebook on people, but of my peers. i plan to investigate how invested people are to the site and what they use it for.
  Most of my video clips are probably going to be primarily interviews of Freshman. i plan to capture what people say about it on impulse rather then sit down and interview them. The documentary will probably not have much musical elements to it because i feel like the it doesn't need the sound to enhance the meaning through out. The color will probably remain normal most of the time. this is because i feel no real need to have color altercation because it wouldn't really effect my piece significantly. Of course, i might change up these effects as needed to obtain my final product.
   i plan to interview people around my dorm and a few other freshmen. i plan to ask some of the following questions
  - what do you use facebook for?
- Do you keep track of things through Facebook?
- how often do you use Facebook for these purposes?
- Is Facebook Beneficial?
- Do you think Facebook is harmful in any way? why?
-do you enjoy all that Facebook has to offer?
    And ill etcetera. i will probably come up with different questions along the way but for now i feel this is all i need.
    What i want to point out is that Facebook can become a problem if used too frequently. It connects us to the world by keeping us in touch, but we tend to use these features too much and it does tend to distract us. Id like to uncover what Facebook means to other people and what it can be and how it should be used in moderation. The question i would like to resolve in other words is how can we use Facebook correctly without it becoming an addicting problem.

1 comment:

  1. You'll need to find some people who are willing to self-identify as "addicts", or at least some people who are so obviously addicted that it doesn't matter if they self-identify. Do you have people in mind already?
