Both the suicide tape and honey boo boo prove that people
just don’t care what their watching as long as it’s of some entertainment
value. When I watched honey boo boo for the first time today I was kind of mad.
Not only cause the show was bad but mostly because of my thoughts about the
girl’s future. I mean her mother hypes her up on red bull and mountain dew
every pageant. I know that isn’t healthy for a girl her age. On top of that the
mother had no plans for her daughters future. And it only gets worse with the
suicide video. Why upload a person committing suicide to the Internet where
everyone can see? I’m not to surprised or upset as Mitch Albom, but I do find
it unsettling to watch things like this.
is a mystifying creation. It just seems like people are drawn to something
different. We watch these videos purely cause it’s the next new thing. Most of
the time, I watch these things to see what the buzz is about. I know for a fact
I wouldn’t know or care about half these shows if someone or something didn’t
call attention to it. I suppose reality television is sort of making Americans
apathetic as we cease to wonder about the whys and move to what will happen
next. However, I feel that’s expected. This hasn’t been the first time stuff
like this have been leaked. In this generation, it’s just normal to watch
exploitation in some shape or form. It’s just what entertainment has evolved to
for better or worse. Not many people really stops to think about what they’re
watching anymore, it’s just simply entertainment.
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