Thursday, December 13, 2012

Documentary Final: Connecting to Cloud Nine

The Documentary was a real challenge to complete from the beginning. Since the choice in topic was limited to Facebook, it was difficult considering i barely use the site. My topic was facebook as a distraction. I interviewed a limited amount of people and asked them a total of six questions each. i used music primarily from apple Inc. on the macbook's iMovie as a background music theme. And to take viewers eye away from just people talking, i added some of my own pics along with one pic from the internet and recorded my voice explaining a little more of what i was going for. I also repeated pics by introducing them in one section and using them back at the end to add a little effect. 
        The hardest thing about the project was filming. i encountered many questions during my filming. One of which was how to get someone to talk on camera long enough for me to gather enough footage. Another problem was arranging the videos in a way in which my topic made sense. What really ended up working in the video is the transitions from clip to clip. it wasn't as choppy as i thought it would be a came out making sense in the end because the transitions i added made sense as well. What didnt quite work as well as i had hoped was the audio. Some of the audio in the clips i tried to fix by messing with the equalizer and sound reduction. however, some of the footage just came up short for me in terms of sound quality because of the camera and background noise. In the end, i made it work by reducing some sound although some footage is a little fuzzy. 
       I myself and not good at composing things of this nature because i have never done anything like this before. i barely even take photos of anything much less videos. My ability to just learn and adapt definitely got me through this project successfully. Even though the video hadn't come out to the best quality that i wanted it in, i still was able to put together a video which made sense and was fluent. I achieved most of my goals by sitting down and reviewing writing down ideas. i wrote down my voiceovers, numbered the questions i asked in the order i wanted to place them, and trimmed all the clips to the desired length to make them run together. I spent most of my time figuring out some timing issues with voiceovers and things. in the end, i ran the video several times to make sure it was in a good enough quality to understand and no video was too much or lacking. 
      Getting all the video was the hard part. putting it together was simple for me since i separated each question into one shot each. Overall, i didn't run into any major issues and i was able to do the film without having to redo a section. All the pieces sort of just came together.